Melihat Jarak Dan Kontur Tanah

Pagi Gan

Kali ini transer ilmu tentang GOOGLE EARTH.
apa itu google earth? google earth adalah baca sendiri di situ njeh gan.. hehe..

intinya sih saya mau nembak wifi gan yg ada di sekitar rumah saya nah untuk nembak wifi itu harus tahu dulu nie jarak dan hambataan serta rintangan apa aja yang menghadang. nah dari pada saya naik" genteng clengak clengok ga jelas sambil bawa teropong buat ngintip tower wifi kan ga etis gan. salah-salah malah dikira  ngintipin orang mandi kan jadi bahaya..

nah solusinya kita pake bantuan dari mbah turunannya mbah google yaitu google eart

langsung aja agan download sie turunannya  ini wajib di download gan  karna harus versi desktop... abis download jngn lupa di instal

nie tampilan setelah di instal

setelah itu kita search lokasi kita gan

abis search lokasi terus munculah lokasi yang dicari .. abis itu teken gambar penggaris gan klik kiri lokasi awal lalu tarik krusor ke lokasi kedua klik kiri lagi ntar akan muncul seperti yang digambar..
abis itu tinggal save aja gan..

abis di save muncul kayak gini gan klik oke aje ye..

abis intu... klik kanan tu garis merah nya gan .. di passin ya gan sampek bisa klik kanan pokoknya.. rada susah soalnya.. abis tu kli   show elevation profile

setelah itu di klik maka hasilnya

taaarraaaa... itu di atas hasilnya gan gambar grafik itu merupakan kontur tanahnya gan dan saya sedih gan ternya banyak rintangan dan hambatan gan alhasil ga jadi nembak wifi.. hehehe

sekian dulu gan .. apabila saya salah mohon dimaafkan..

Mematikan Update Windows 10

Akhir-akhir ini dipusingkan ama window 10 ku yg sering update sendiri..
setelah googlong-googling nemu tutor gini cara nya

- Buka Control Panel
- Pada Menu Control Panel klik System and Security
-Pada menu system and security  klik administrative tools

-Pada menu administrative tools  klik services

-Pada menu services  silahkan scroll kebawah cari kata windows update
-klik windos updatenya trus starup typenya di disabled

- klik OK trus restart komputernya

sekian wasalam

Pengalaman orang lain menggunakan TP Link WA5210G

Pengalaman orang lain menggunakan TP Link WA5210G
cara install kali linuk di virtualbox

cara install kali linuk di virtualbox

How to install Kali Linux in Virtualbox : Step-by-step guide

Hi Friends. as you already know, the latest version of Kali, Kali rolling edition 2016.1 has been released. The rolling edition of Kali Linux gives users the best of all worlds – the stability of Debian, together with the latest versions of the many outstanding penetration testing tools created and shared by the information security community. The best feature I like in this version is constantly updated tools. Now let us see how to install this latest version of Kali linux in virtualbox and I assure you, this will be the easiest guide.
For this howto, I am using the latest version of Oracle Virtualbox, i.e version 5.0.20. Ever since Sana has been released, the makers of Kali Linux have also released Pre-built virtual images for virtualbox and Vmware. We will use that virtualbox image in this howto. Go here and download the Pre-built virtualbox image. They are as shown below.
I downloaded the first image from above. After the download is finished, extract the contents of this file as shown below.
After extraction, we will get a OVA file as shown below.
Now open Virtualbox and click on File>Import Appliance as shown below.
A window like below will open. Click on “Expert mode”.
The window will change as below. Now browse to the location of OVA file as shown below. You can change the settings of the virtual machine like name, location, RAM etc as you like below. After configuration is over, click on Import.
The importing process will start as shown below. It will take some time, but it will be worth the wait.
After import is completed, a new virtual machine is automatically created as shown below.
Power on the machine. As the virtual machine powers up, it will prompt for username and password. The default username is “root” and password is “toor”.

Given below is our Kali Linux rolling 2016.1 successfully installed in Virtualbox. No need of installing guest additions. If you face any problems during installation, plz comment. I will be happy to help you.